we are VERY pleased to hear that there are quite a few people from outside Berlin considering to come to the release party. Of course these pionieers are not coming without expectations.
Therefore we want to reserve and announce some extra time now (besides the usual gathering and celebrating) for an open discussion and the exchange of experience related to the batman routing protocol.
The gathering will be integrated in the regularly Waveloeten workshop ( http://wiki.c-base.org/coredump/WaveLoeten ) which happens every Wednesday at the C-Base ( http://c-base.org/ )in Berlin.
For the discussion we propose to start at 8:15 pm ( 20.6.07 Rungestrasse 20, 10179 Berlin )
A list of topics may include but is not limited to:
* Why BATMAN at all? After many years of optimization OLSR seems to be quite stable now!
* Does BATMAN really redeem what it claims?
* What means exist to allow a smooth migration from an existing routing protocol and which problems can be expected.
* The one-does-it-all solution (Eierlegende Wollmilchsau) does not exist so what are the disadvantages.
* Which skills are needed to set up a somehow working or a productively usable mesh network.
* Which parameters exist to better adapt the batman implementation to local particularities
* Do user prefer an aggressive or a conservative revision and versioning cycle
* What is missing (besides documentation)
* Please feel free to add your topic here!
What would you expect to hear from a decent batman / batman advanced presentation / workshop ?
looking forward to see you, the B.A.T.M.A.N. development team