what should this new page [1] be? It is categorized under "Open-Mesh" "WikiStart » Gettingstarted » Contribute" - which doesn't make any sense. It doesn't correctly use the textile wiki syntax. It starts with "I want to share my experience..." but then doesn't explain anything. It is just a raw dump of some config files without any actual context. I also don't see why this RADIUS (NPS), hostapd and OpenWrt configuration has any relevance for the Open-Mesh wiki. It seems to be written in a way which completely ignores the rest of the wiki content.
I will delete this page when it isn't cleaned up, rewritten to be relevant for the wiki, placed correctly and linked in an appropriate place.
Kind regards, Sven
[1] https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/open-mesh/wiki/BATMAN_and_Dynamic_VLANs_w...