Hi Dimar,
Please direct your question to the batman mailing list instead of directly to me. That way, you can get help from a lot more people, and also get help if I didn't have time to answer...
Nevertheless, I replied inline below.
On 2014-04-03 14:16, Dimar Jaime González Soto wrote:
Hi Martin, I need to connect to my mesh network with non b.a.t.m.a.n nodes(specifically a tablet). I followed the instructions from http://www.open-mesh.org/projects/batman-adv/wiki/Quick-start-guide [1] and I configured a node creating a mesh-bridge interface. The interface, I think, allow the connection through eth0, but the what I want is a connection trough the wireless interface, and i don't know how to setup the network.
I am a little confused about your current setup. Can you please send us (that is the batman mailing: b.a.t.m.a.n@lists.open-mesh.org), the following information:
The output of "ip link" The output of "batctl if" The output of "brctl show"
That will make it possible for us to give you better information.
Thanks, Martin