On Friday 29 April 2016 14:27:53 Andrew Lunn wrote: [...]
It looks like this patch currently only adds the printing of netlink information in a way that looks similar to the output from the legacy debugfs files. This is ok but I find it weird that it claims in the commit message that it uses (for everything?) netlink instead of debugfs when things like translate_mac(...) and ping/traceroute still have to be ported to netlink.
It never makes the claim it uses it for everything. I converted what i needed for netns in my setup, and a bit more. I pretty much never use ping/traceroute/BLA, gateways, etc, in my simulations, so i have no itch to scratch there.
I would suggest getting the current code in a state it can be accepted, i.e. add the extra error checking, etc. It is mostly mechanical work, once you have an example to copy. So it should not be too hard to finish off the debugfs equivalents by somebody who has a need for them.
It was not about the code but about the commit message. I've already said that the print-only implementation "is ok" and is everything we need at the beginning.
Kind regards, Sven