after an ./script/feeds update when i try to build openwrt I get an error on batman-adv package:
Applying ./patches/batman-adv_correctly_set_the_data_field_in_the_TT_REPONSE_packet .patch using plaintext: patching file translation-table.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 1054. Hunk #2 succeeded at 632 with fuzz 2 (offset -448 lines). 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file translation-table.c.rej Patch failed! Please fix ./patches/batman-adv_correctly_set_the_data_field_in_the_TT_REPONSE_packet. patch!
works for me. Do you have additional patches in your patches folder which are incompatible ?
Regards, Marek