6598: from all to lookup olsr 6599: from lookup olsr
6598: from all to lookup olsr 6599: from lookup olsr
6802: from lookup 68
batmand delete olsr-rules and set "from lookup 68"!?
which olsr-rules are deleted ? I can't see a difference there.
In table 68 is the batman default route. All interfaces not controlled by batmand are routed towards this routing table. If you don't want that OLSR traffic is routed into the batman default route you have 2 choices: - You deleted the OLSR rules after each batmand start (hackish). - You use the --no-policy-routing option and set all rules by yourself. This option allows a tight integration into a firmware and full control of the policy routing.
Why does batmand not recognize OLSR interfaces and ignores them ? We simply could not find a good solution for this kind of detection but we are open to suggestions. ;-)
Greetings, Marek
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