But what is puzzling me is that running batman 0.2 on nodes... laptop associated with AP_n (client' AP) can browse! (I've only changed the daemon, no others change into environment - procedures dinamically change batmand command string)
I don't know exactely about the experimental branch but the alpha branch has changed ports. Now we are using port 4305 for OGMs and 4306 for the internet tunnel. May be you have to adjust your firewall settings. In any case the debug level 3 output should give us more information regarding your problems.
I noticed the parameter "--no-unreachable-rule" then tryed adding this parameter at the batman 0.3 command string but unfortunately with no results!
I would suggest that you don't touch the policy routing switches unless you know what you are doing. If you don't have any special use cases the defaults should work perfectly for you.
Regards, Marek