Was the protocol implemented yet on a simulation platform like omnet? For comparing purposes (for example with OLSR) it could be interesting to simulate the protocol.
there is no simulator support that I know of.
Further the package load will be tunnelled through batman network by an udp tunnel. There was reasons to do this. But why we can not establish an tcp-tunel on top of the existing tunnels. So earn more overhead but the delivery of the related packages are granted.
It is not necessary to implement the tunnel with TCP as all protocols that use the tunnel already have a mechanism to detect packet lost. If you issue a HTTP query over a tunnel it will look like this: HTTP -> TCP -> UDP Tunnel -> Internet
Your setup would look like this: HTTP -> TCP -> TCP Tunnel -> Internet
Next to the overhead which comes with TCP you will face a double congestion window (see TCP congestion avoidance). In a lossy environment TCP over TCP connection will run at the lowest speed possible without a chance to recover.
In respect to IPv6: What is the problem with IPv6? The batman protocol self should work with ipv6? As payload it could be realized by an tunnel too.
Its not a problem - just somebody needs to do it. :-)
Regards, Marek