Hey Simon, until sarcasmarec ideas come true... ;) [(2013/10/14) marec: d0tslash: we should release some more daemons] we're doing our best to convince current daemons to turn *more* evil, in the meanwhile
turns out, we're trying to propagate dnsmasq dhcp leases over the network with alfred [1]: http://lists.thekelleys.org.uk/pipermail/dnsmasq-discuss/2013q4/007750.html
with the current 'alfred-facters' 5-minute cronjob (or any cronjob, yeah) we can send a reload signal to dnsmasq at an acceptably short interval. Nevertheless, something more realtime would be highly desirable in this case
some kind of hook inside the C code, that gets called when alfred gets updated information from any other node, and the hook runs a script (or maybe all facters in facters_dir?)
in other words, instead of polling alfred every X interval to see if there's any new info, make alfred react as soon as it receives propagated info, so that it calls facter scripts and they can use that info ASAP.
What do you think? Sounds useless? doable? Lightweight? Almighty?
gui :)