How is your progress? I'm wondering how you are doing the QoS w/ batman-adv.. If this were routed you could use tc or tcng to prioritize DSCP tags, but I don't see that as an option w/ batman-adv.
I'd be really curious about this. I'm exploring batman-adv mesh nodes for extremely dense forested neighborhoods* where my traditional fixed wireless systems can't reach. The catch here is how to handle QoS. With so many potential radios and changing hops I want the radio's queue to prioritize and haven't gotten deep enough into batman-adv to figure out how this might be done.
*looking at mikrotik's rb912 in 5Ghz + R11e-5GacD mini-pcie radios for a single device (running openwrt), two radio node and running the ethernet into the client w/ POE injector. No clients would be on the wireless interfaces, just backhaul.