Thanks Gui for share your experiences. As soon as we can give formal results from our implementation in Huancavelica, (Peru) we'll share it too.
PD: it's nice the test of the roaming through the river ;-)
2012/11/16 Gui Iribarren
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Gioacchino Mazzurco wrote:
In Ninux Pisa we use batman-adv too with similar results!
Great! I'm partially aware of it, but have no idea of the scale and the details. Do share your experience! :D
I also came accross this
some interesting readings
eccept for this:
On 11/02/12 22:21, Gui Iribarren wrote:
As it is today, you can't put 2 ipv6 gateways doing SLAAC in the same batman-adv cloud.
This sentence is a little misleading, it is not true you cannot do it, you can but you just receive multiple route announcement that may be not optimal but it is not problematic in most cases
IF they are announcing the same prefix, then i agree with your statement But AFAIU it's currently not possible to have different gateways announcing two different prefixes... Clients get SLAAC addresses on two different networks, and things break, (at least that's what i understand about how things should work?)
If batman-adv could segregate RAs broadcast domains, it would separate ipv6 networks much like it does now with dhcpv4 servers offering ips on different subnets