Hello Maik!
Was the protocol implemented yet on a simulation platform like omnet? For comparing purposes (for example with OLSR) it could be interesting to simulate the protocol.
There is no implementation of Batman for NS2 or Omnet, as far as I'm aware of. However there is a paper about the simulation of Batman-0.1 (Mark I of the Batman algorithm without bidirectional link check) and Batman-0.2 (Mark II of the Batman algorithm with bidirectional link check): http://www.olsr.org/~aaron/olsr/batman_report.pdf
Note: The paper is nice, the results were encouraging but the study is dated. The lack of a bidirectional link check was a known limitation of Mark I when we just wanted to do a quick and dirty test to prove the feasibility of the Batman idea. So the first version we expected to work well in the real world was Mark II. Mark II was replaced quickly by Mark III because as Axel Neumann has pointed out there was a bug in the algorithm in both Mark I and Mark II which can cause routing loops.
Addressing this problem in Mark III also had the benefit to reduce protocol overhead. Mark III works nice, but we found that the link metric we used still had a flaw. All Batman algorithms can route asymmetric, which is great. However Mark I-III tend to prefer routing paths from which they *receive* protocol messages well as paths in the opposite direction to *transmit* payload. This can be unfortunate, because there could be an alternate routing path which works better in transmit direction than the path which works better in receive direction. In Mark II and III we tried to address this via the bidirectional link check, to achieve a symmetric ETX like routing behavior. This mitigated the problem but didn't solve it completely. Also it was not what we really were aiming for: Routing asymmetric in the transmit direction if this is the best routing path to go. Hence Mark IV was introduced.
We have tested and compared Olsrd 0.5.0 and Batman-Experimental (Mark IV ) in the "Massive Mesh" wireless indoor grid at the Meraka institute of the CSIR in Tshwane (aka Pretoria) in South Africa. At the time we ran the tests Batman-0.3 was pretty much in its alpha state so we were concentrating on the Batman-Experimental branch because the implementation was more mature. (Batman-0.3.X and Batman-Experimental represent two different ideas for Mark IV of the Batman algorithm.)
Note that time has passed over this study as well. Olsr fans will point out that they have improved the code much since the study and fixed at least one crucial bug (ETX was not only calculated based on Hello packet loss in Olsrd, as I had suggested it to Thomas Lopatic when we were both designing the ETX/LQ implementation in Olsr in 2004. Thomas had decided to use all protocol messages to calculate TQ/NLQ in the implementation of olsr-0.4.8, so the LQ/NLQ values would change quicker than I expected - depending on the number of TC messages floating around in the network)
However some general conclusions still remain the same if you compare both protocol ideas:
* Batman-IV floods protocol messages selectively i.e. only on paths following the best route for each destination. Olsr has to flood all topology messages everywhere - the only optimization being the idea of multipoint relays. (MPR redundancy was set to 7 MPRs per node, since I tried my best to avoid routing loops). However - enabling multi-point relays or not - Olsr tries to sync every topology update with all nodes. Since the grid has thousands of alternate propagation paths to redundantly flood messages the protocol overhead is drastic, because there is not much protocol message loss.
* Olsr needs more protocol information (topology data) to operate than Batman.
* We did the best to stop Olsr from looping payload packets - i.e. send topology updates redundant - however this comes at a price. In order to avoid loops the topology information has to be synced with all OLSR nodes. Despite the high level of redundancy less than 70% of the routes used were symmetric. This is a clear indication that the topology data bases were not in sync, because ETX would route symmetric at all times if the topology data is in sync. Despite the great deal of of effort to sync topology information Olsr still had transient routing loops under heavy payload. It would be interesting to see how a current Olsr behaves today, since the fix of the fore mentioned issue.
* Batman-IV didn't loop, no matter how hard we saturated the network with payload traffic. This is not a surprise because it was the main goal of the algorithm design. Transient routing loops were the main motivation for Thomas and me to drop development of Olsr.
In respect to IPv6: What is the problem with IPv6?
No problem regarding the protocol - we are just missing IPv6 support so far in the OSI-Layer 3 implementations of Batman (both Experimental and 0.3.X). Batman-Advanced doesn't have this problem, as a Layer 2 protocol it can carry any protocol you like.
The batman protocol self should work with ipv6?
As payload it could be realized by an tunnel too.
Yes. As a side-note: Batman uses tunnels for Internet connectivity to address the problem of gateway switching when NAT is used on the gateway. With IPv6 NAT on gateways should become superfluous one sunny day :-)
Cheers, elektra