Linus , Marek...
I think the List had issues with all of us getting multiple emails for some reason. I wanted to update you on this status and let others know about my solution.
Linus, in the problem that I described after updating to batman-adv 2011.0, I would lose connection to both the routers that were plugged in. Any SSH connection already established also would timeout. Therefore I can't get the output of batctl ping or dmesg at that exact instant. I did try to do a tcp dump but got nowhere because of the disconnects.
Now here is how I (kinda) solved it.
I had to enable STP on the lan-switches. STP type: STP and Mode: Root Protection. This can be enabled on all ports safely without causing disruption to the clients plugged into the switch.
After this step was done, bridge-loop-avoidance worked properly and if more than 1 router in a mesh was plugged in, all the routers would pick one as a gateway.
Extra Bonus Step:
If more than one is plugged in, the higher MAC router will drop all lan packets which will result in slower throughput to clients to that router because it is hopping to another router via wireless and neglecting the fact that it's own wired link would take it faster to the intended destination.
My "solution" to this was to enable STP in the router too. In the UCI page for networking, under the br-lan, I had this option.
option 'stp' '1'.
After this setting, the 2nd router would choose the wired link as its preferred method of linking to the network.
The customary "warning" : I am no network expert and I am just offering a solution for anybody else reading this.
Thanks for all your help Linus and Marek. Please do let me know if you have any explanation for this :) . If you want me to send some of the binaries I built or my OpenWRT config files to the list, I can do so . Let me know.
My specific setup:
Routers : 8 x Buffalo WZR - HP -G 300NH Switches : 6 x 3Com 5500G-EI.
On 2/26/2011 5:49 PM, Marek Lindner wrote:
Linus has some problems sending mails to the list, so I forward his reply.
Cheers, Marek
Hi Vinay,
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 08:44:33AM -0500, Vinay Tharigopula wrote:
I got the binaries from the openwrt prebuilt packages. However, now I rebuilt the image and built batman-adv 2011.myself. I will try this now and let you know.
However, now I am running into a much bigger issue. If two routers are plugged in to the same switch, bridge loop avoidance doesnt work and both of them are stopping responding to pings.
Could you try "batctl ping" too and check whether this is working or not.
If that's working but the normal pinging is not, then it should be a layer 3 problem - in that case we'd need the outputs of "ip route show" and "ip address show".
If batctl ping is already not working then "batctl o" and "batctl if" output will be interesting.
Here is my config.
bat0 if: wlan1: active.
wlan1: Mesh Network.
wlan0: Infrastructure network. eth0 : 4 lan ports eth1: 1 wan port
br-lan : wlan0 eth0 eth1 bat0
Hmm, that looks sane and correct, should work like that.
Is there anything weird in the output of "dmesg"? Any errors or warnings?
Cheers, Linus