On 19/03/11 19:54, Marek Lindner wrote:
On a related note, is the on-air format for batman_adv reasonably stable at the moment? If thousands of FreedomBoxen[1] were to start using it, what's the likelihood they would all have to upgrade to a new wire format in the near future?
you might want to define "reasonably stable" for your use case to allow us to give you an equally reasonable estimate. However, mesh technology is pretty young and many ideas are flowing around to further improve it. I am sure the formats will change some day.
:-) Good answer to a poor question!
I think what I should have asked is whether there are any format changes already planned and defined, just waiting for the code to be signed-off? I know there will always be unexpected changes to address problems which get discovered, but as long as there aren't changes already in the development pipeline, I would call that "reasonably stable".
Since BattleMesh is currently running, and will probably generate many new ideas, I think I should withdraw my question and ask again in a few weeks!