We have just completed a brief research project looking at the performance of BATMAN IV in a MANET with directional antennas. We've augmenting BATMAN's route selection algorithm with a simple hysteresis mechanism called "Batrytis" to reduce route-flapping in some circumstances. Please find attached an initial technical report describing our work. You are welcome to publish this on your site if you wish, and any feedback would also be welcome. We have as yet not published this work, although it may be modified into a conference paper later in the year. We probably will not have time to extend this work although there are clearly many issues that could be explored further.
Best regards, Matt
Dr. Matthew Britton Senior Analyst Teletraffic Research Centre Office 5.18, Level 5, Innova21 Building, North Terrace, Adelaide Mobile: +61 (0) 404 384 221 Landline: +61 (8) 8313 0565 E-mail: matthew.britton@adelaide.edu.au