On Friday, 2 October 2020 10:29:16 CEST MK wrote: [...]
$ batctl gwl [B.A.T.M.A.N. adv openwrt-2019.2-4, MainIF/MAC: fastd_mesh/ (bat0/ BATMAN_V)] Router ( throughput) Next Hop [outgoingIf] Bandwidth ( 1.0) [fastd_mesh]: 10.0/10.0 MBit ( 1.0) [fastd_mesh]: 10.0/10.0 MBit ( 1.0) [fastd_mesh]: 10.0/10.0 MBit ( 1.0) [fastd_mesh]: 10.0/10.0 MBit ( 1.0) [fastd_mesh]: 10.0/10.0 MBit
- ( 1.0) [fastd_mesh]: 10.0/10.0 MBit
Star means choosen gateway?
Yes, this is the chosen gateway. And the "1.0" here means most likely that the throughput to this gateway is for some reason always the same - so it has no good way to figure out the best gateway.
Please make sure that you either only use links that provide an expected throughput for its peers - OR use the throughput_override [1] on interfaces which cannot provide an automated expected throughput for its peers. Also make sure that you don't forget this setting on one side of the connection.
And can you please explain how you were able to get this output without the router mac address? Because this is a bug and I cannot reproduce it at the moment.
Kind regards, Sven
[1] https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/batman-adv/wiki/Tweaking#throughput_overr...