Hi Sven,
Thanks so much for your patience with this matter and for holding my hand though the process.
I have gone back to basics (i think trying to adapt my current olsr platform over to this was the root cause of the issue) and now i am able to retrieve webpages over the bat interface.
I'll briefly outline the steps i took to get batman working with openwrt Kamikaze
*net router*
configure wan
vi /etc/config/network config interface wan option ifname "eth1" option proto dhcp
*the following should be done on both the net and mesh router*
set the ip address of eth0 to (.2 on the mesh)
configure wireless cards in /etc/config/wireless so that they have the same BSSID and channel.
opkg update opkg install kmod-batman-advanced
bridge the eth0 and bat0 interfaces (may not be the best way)
Ensure that you can see the other node cat /proc/net/batman-adv/originators
test pinging the internet
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Sven Eckelmann sven.eckelmann@gmx.de wrote:
On Friday 20 August 2010 11:58:32 David Beaumont wrote:
So large pings appear to be going over the batman interface.
So, first you say that all packets go over the bat interface and that this part works fine. Now you say that large packets will also work... which is no gain of information for the batman-adv related parts.
However still not getting any web traffic through
root@Generic:~# echo "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\nHost: git.open-mesh.net\n\n"|nc git.open-mesh.net 80
root@Generic:~# wget http://www.google.com Connecting to www.google.com (
What else can i provide to help track down the problem here :-(
Create a real minimal setup. Minimal as possible. Get that working and then at parts to it (iptables, bridges, ...) until it doesn't work anymore. Check if that is real the part which makes the problem by reducing the complexity of other parts you already added.
You already told us that it is not related to batman-adv and that the bridge makes problems.
Actually nobody understands here what you are currently try to archive with your setup and why all the iptables or maybe ebtables stuff/bridges/... is needed to find a problem.
And why have both mesh and net (for whatever they are used) a masquerade rule in postrouting?
Simplest setup would be: * net is a nat router; everything in iptables to accept: iptables -F iptables -t nat -F iptables -t mangle -F iptables -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT masquerade enabled iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "${OUTIF}" -j MASQUERADE * configure outif (the thing which has globally routable address) * enable wired connection between net and mesh by adding them to the same subnet (eth0 on net, eth0 on mesh * Try to ping each other * test if connection between net and internet works flawless * test if connection between mesh and indirectly to the internet over net works flawless * set mtu of eth0 on both sides to 1530 * check if `ping -M do -s 1500` works between both net and mesh * remove ip addresses of eth0 on both ends (but keep devices up) * add eth0 on both sides using `batctl if add` to bat0 * set mtu of bat0 to 1500 on both hosts * give bat0 the same ips which were used before by eth0 * set bat0 up * check if both hosts finds each other using `batctl o` * try to ping other host * try if internet works flawless indirectly from mesh over net * remove ip from bat0 devices * add bat0 to a bridge on both ends * set ips which were used by bat0 to the bridge devices * set mtu of bridge to 1500 * try to.... I think you can guess the next 1000 steps by yourself
Regards, Sven