On Thursday 23 June 2016 14:54:37 Sailash Moirangthem wrote: [..]
I am trying to set-up mesh network using tplink WR1043ND routers and raspberry pi B+ integrated with ra2800usb (wi pi). The tplink routers are working as expected. Howoever, the raspberry pi is not working.
Sounds more like an OpenWrt/LEDE question. But I think the persons which created the OpenWrt/LEDE scripts for batman-adv are subscribed to this list.
The configuration file for the Pi board is as follows:
config interface 'mesh' option ifname 'adhoc0' option mtu '1528' option proto 'batadv' option mesh 'bat0'
Why are you adding the interface in /etc/config/wireless and not as described in the quick start guide [1] to /etc/config/wireless? I would suggest to try to use the /etc/config/wireless because these are "dynamically" created interfaces and (not tested) should work better with netifd.
Is it working when you do `batctl if add adhoc0`? Is something shown in dmesg related to an error while adding the interface?
Kind regards, Sven
[1] https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/batman-adv/wiki/Batman-adv-openwrt-config