Hey guys,
On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 05:14:43PM +0200, Simon Wunderlich wrote: [cut...]
Regarding your suggestion to forward multiple packets with the same seqno, but better TQ: We currently would ignore them in A for beeing a duplicate. If we were to change that, we would have to change the TQ ring buffer as well. However this ring buffer currently has no specific order, so it's not so easy to update a specific value in this ring buffer because we don't know which TQ value belongs to which seqno. If packets arrive out of order, they will be saved in the ring buffer in the order they come in, regardless of the seqno. Have a look at batadv_iv_ogm_orig_update(), maybe you can find a decent solution for that. :)
Honestly, I think that we should avoid adding features to batman iv any longer (this is my point of view) and rather concentrate the effort in pushing them into batman v (which is going to come soonish[tm]).
Therefore, if you think there is something which we can do better, I'd prefer to push such improvement into the new version of the protocol, which is going to be "simpler" (to some extends) and since it is still under development it would be easier to change/improve/modify.
batman iv already has many "patches and corner cases" which I think is better to do not change too much to avoid introducing some new nice bugs :)
these were just my 2 cents