Hello, i have a problem using batman-adv. At the moment i use v0.1, but i had the same problem when trying the svn version 1241.
All the nodes send their ogm, but none does recieve any of these. What i did on all nodes is:
iwconfig $wlaninterface essid batman mode ad-hoc and then echo "$wlaninterface" > /proc/net/batman-adv/interfaces echo 15 > /proc/net/batman-adv/log_level
cat /proc/net/batman-adv/log after that shows somethink like this:
Adding interface: ath0 Can't activate module: the primary interface is not active Sending own packet (originator 00:18:84:14:48:e5, seqno 1, TTL 50) on interface ath0 [00:18:84:14:48:e5] Sending own packet (originator 00:18:84:14:48:e5, seqno 2, TTL 50) on interface ath0 [00:18:84:14:48:e5] Sending own packet (originator 00:18:84:14:48:e5, seqno 3, TTL 50) on interface ath0 [00:18:84:14:48:e5]
I also tried to set the channel on all nodes, but with no effect.
Maybe someone can tell me what i do wrong.
Thank you,