On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 21:43:18 CEST Rob Cowart wrote:
ssh fe80::6c39:baff:fe1c:6d11%wlan0
Yes we knew this, this is Standard Operating Procedure, but atm nothing responds on ping.
When nothing reacts to pings on wlan0 then your lower link is most likely broken. batman-adv can also not help here when the link on which it operates is "dead".
Not sure what the ELP interval is here but the last seen is extremely high. I would guess that the lower link actually broke down and the neighbor entries just didn't time out yet.
How do I tell you what the ELP is?
Echo Location Protocol [1]. It is similar to the OGM messages in B.A.T.M.A.N. IV - but only used between single hop neighbors (and sometimes also as unicast instead of broadcast)
we (my boss who tries to be a software engineer) have definitely messed a lot with the batctl settings.
The elp interval can be checked on recent batctl versions using:
batctl hardif wlan0 elp_interval
Or on systems which are using sysfs for configuration:
cat /sys/class/net/wlan/batman_adv/elp_interval
The OGM(2) interval can be checked using
batctl meshif bat0 orig_interval
Or on systems which are using sysfs for configuration:
cat /sys/class/net/bat0/mesh/orig_interval
Both values are in milliseconds
pi@raspberrypi:~/xeco-master/enola-daemon $ sudo batctl s
The ELP packets (and much more) are part of mgmt_tx/mgmt_tx_bytes/mgmt_rx/ mgmt_rx_bytes.
pi@raspberrypi:~/xeco-master/enola-daemon $ sudo batctl td bat0 14:42:51.260179 IP6 fe80::4829:b9ff:fea5:8a76.16962 > fe80::d486:8dff:fe7d:394d.16962: UDP, length 218
ELP messages are not sent on top of bat0 but on the lower interface (wlan0 in your case). So you have would have to run "batctl td wlan0". Or create a pcap on wlan with tcpdump and open it in a recent version of wireshark.
Kind regards, Sven