I am researching meshes/MANETs, and the accompanying 802.11s/HWMP/olsr/etc.
Before asking any specific questions, I wonder if someone could point me to some proper OSI diagrams that I cannot find - specifically:
- can someone draw, or direct me to, an OSI diagram showing an 802.11a/b/g/n network using plain old vanilla 802.11s + HWMP (no OLSR) to support an IP network ?
Then, for comparison:
- can someone draw, or direct me to, an OSI diagram showing an 802.11a/b/g/n network using ONLY BATMAN (no 802.11s) ... ?
Finally, in my research I came across this very interesting conversation from 2006:
and I wonder, has that question:
"I agree, but we may still be able to pull it off without having to messup the stack."
been answered yet ? Or is there still argument over whether or not some implementations require "discussion" between components on different OSI layers ?
Thank you.