On Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018 09:53:26 CEST Francesco Salvatore [fabbricadigitale] wrote: [...]
Do you know if there's any issue related to listed hardware chipsets? If yes, you know of some action I can take to fix that problem?
Yes, nearly all [0] wifi USB sticks are problematic. Please get in contact with the driver developers [1] because this (beside the symptoms) has nothing to do with batman-adv. If broadcast or unicast tx/rx is broken for a specific hardware in a specific mode, the mesh will look broken - nothing we can do here.
Kind regards, Sven
[0] no usb stick comes to my mind at the moment which is without flaws [1] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/MAIN...