In attachment you will also find a draft/proposals of a new routing approach. It is based on the collection of more link parameters (the current TQ, bit-rate and node-load) to write in OGM at each hop. This permit to develop a more thorough metric and can open new room of improvement such multi-path routing.
Hi Daniele
Do you have any suggestions how to collect this bit-rate information? Do you suggest measuring it, or asking the wireless LAN driver? Is there an API in the kernel to allow access to this information?
Also, how do you see this interacting with the hidden node problem? In order to reduce the hidden node problem, you ideally want to use the lowest coding rate and transmit power possible to get your packets through. Currently this is not being done. Current wireless systems optimize for maximum bandwidth between two nodes, which may not be the optimum for the complete mesh bandwidth, due to inter node interference.
Will you be at the WBMv4 next Month?