Hi Sven, thanks for your quick answer :)
Sven Eckelmann wrote:
On Saturday, 27 March 2021 01:36:54 CET spiccinini(a)altermundi.net wrote:
Libremesh based on OpenWrt 19.07 + ad-hoc: not working Libremesh based on OpenWrt 19.07 + 802.11s: working Libremesh based on OpenWrt 18.06 + ad-hoc: working Libremesh based on OpenWrt 18.06 + 802.11s: working
Sounds like your wifi stack/driver is failing. batman-adv doesn't know or care about whether the wifi layer is using IBSS or a non-fwding meshpoint interface.
ipv6 link local is working, I can ssh to and from both nodes using fe80::xxxxxx%wlan1-adhoc
batman-adv is needing:
working broadcast in both directions
- you can see in `batctl n` whether some OGMs were received from a neighbor
- you can see in `batctl o` if both directions work(ed)
Ok batctl n output seems right in both nodes:
root@nodocable:~# batctl n [B.A.T.M.A.N. adv openwrt-2019.2-10, MainIF/MAC: eth0_202/02:95:39:1e:fa:0a (bat0/d6:27:7c:88:a9:e2 BATMAN_IV)] IF Neighbor last-seen wlan2-adhoc_202 nodopoe_wlan2_adhoc_202 0.650s wlan1-adhoc_202 nodopoe_wlan1_adhoc_202 0.570s
root@nodopoe:~# batctl n [B.A.T.M.A.N. adv openwrt-2019.2-10, MainIF/MAC: eth1-2_202/02:29:0f:1e:fa:02 (bat0/1e:d6:7b:93:1b:6c BATMAN_IV)] IF Neighbor last-seen wlan2-adhoc_202 nodocable_wlan2_adhoc_202 0.910s wlan1-adhoc_202 nodocable_wlan1_adhoc_202 0.110s
working unicast in both directions
- just use something like `batctl ping` or some other kind of `ping` directly on the lower interface (wlan*-adhoc)
- you might also use something like `tcpdump`/`batctl td` to check if the peer can receive your unicast packets on the lower device (wlan*-adhoc)
This is what it seems is not working.
You should also configure a third device in wifi monitor mode to figure out whether the transmission of the unicast/broadcast packets is working or not. This should make it easier for you to figure out whether the sending or receiving part is not working in your wifi stack/driver.
Thanks, I will recreate the setup and report back.
Another thing, the setup involves a vlan, both are configured with the same vlan (and in 802.11s it is working as expected). I will try withut the vlan.
Best, SAn