On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 07:51:10PM +0200, Chris W. wrote:
It is, alltogether it's about 50 nodes. This vis is geopraphically more accurate: http://preveli.gr/mesh/bat-228-3.gif
Now rv1161 is on, the reduced test area is http://preveli.gr/mesh/bat-228-3b.gif
Yes, looks similar to Derek's. Not to mess with endian issues, I tested on broadcom only with no atheros connected. The tunnel builds up but isn't stable.
Gateway client - gateway ( says: IP ( is invalid (maybe expired) Deleting default route via gate0 (table 68) Adding default route to (gw_flags: 40, tq: 188, gw_product: 2747168) Gateway client - got IP ( from gateway: Adding default route via gate0 (table 68)
The "invalid" messages probably is caused by the bad IPs (see below). The gateway sends an "IP invalid"-message back if a not advertised IP was used. The client then disconnects from the gateway.
We should probably change this policy. ;)
The node itself can connect through the tunnel. Everything else which doesn't come from the nodes IP can't pass, the gateway logs:
Nov 28 16:51:59 (none) kern.err batmand[18644]: Error - got packet from unknown client: (virtual ip
Same error with olsr traffic which has dropped into the tunnel.
Only the advertised IPs are allowed. However you can build a NAT for your gateway, this would ensure that only the advertised IP is used. Something like
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o gate0 -j MASQUERADE
should do the job. (maybe add something like "--source" to further constrain the traffic).
Thank you for the explanation. Is this module available for OpenWrt 0.9 broadcom somewhere ?
I don't know of precompiled packages, maybe someone else does? :)
Another point is that even if a gateway's internet connection is down, but announced, it is chosen as tunnel endpoint. Something similar to the olsrd-dyn-gw would be great.
Actually we have a mechanism to check for black hole gateways (on the client).
-2- together with olsrd. From a gateway node running olsrd in parallel the route to an announced network drops out towards the internet, the node itself is reachable:
Sorry, I don't understand this. Can you explain a bit more ?
The described effects may be due to routing problems and things like that on batman, olsr's routing is last so it takes all the rest. I'd better not describe this in detail as it may occur due to the following point.
-3- previously announced networks are not deleted (8.106), the routing table collects multiple entries for the same destination
Thanks for the hint. Fixed in revision 1159.
Yes, no multiple entries anymore in 1161.
The announced network of 2.72 gets lost after some minutes on all nodes. Logs show Nov 28 17:13:43 (none) kern.err batmand[18641]: Error - can't add route to via (table 65): File exists Nov 28 17:13:43 (none) kern.err batmand[18641]: Error - can't add route to via (table 65): File exists root@ ip ro sh ta 65 via dev eth1 proto static src
Mhm, this is probably a regression in the new hna_buff_delete() function ... but i'm not sure. The "File exists" Error should not be visible in any case.
Could you please (if possible) create a complete dump until the "File exists" problems happen with debug level 4, and send this log to me and Marek? We can have a more detailed view what's happening then.
(call batman with -cd4 for example)
best regards, Simon