Hi Mitar,
what Ubiquiti products are you using? Because they have the older 802.11a/b/g based product series and the newer 802.11n based with their proprietary Airmax wireless drivers. I am asking because the Airmax products have been upgraded to kernel 2.6.32 recently. Integrating Batman would be much easier now. Unfortunately the SDK is only available on request since some time.
Regards, Franz
Am 29.04.12 01:56, schrieb Mitar:
Ubiquiti provides OpenWrt based SDK for their firmware. To my information, it contains some proprietary madwifi-based WiFi drivers with some older OpenWrt version. My question is how it would be possible to run Batman on top of their firmware (thus not latest OpenWrt). As Batman is in kernel, is is enough kernel-backwards compatible to be able to run also on older (2.6) kernel versions? For olsrd it is much simpler: you just install olsrd package and this is it.