Generally, we should have a few lines per function in types.h to describe what each function is doing - we don't need that for a RFC patch, but that would be useful for the final version.
ok, I will do that.
- void (*bat_ogm_init)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface);
- void (*bat_ogm_init_primary)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface);
- void (*bat_ogm_update_mac)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface);
- void (*bat_ogm_schedule)(struct hard_iface *hard_iface,
int tt_num_changes);
can't we put tt_num_changes somewhere bat_priv?
tt_num_changes holds the number of changed TT entries since the last OGM. Obviously that changes all the time. Are you suggesting we store this value in bat_priv instead of a local variable ?
- void (*bat_ogm_emit)(struct forw_packet *forw_packet);
- void (*bat_ogm_receive)(const struct ethhdr *ethhdr,
unsigned char *packet_buff, int packet_len,
struct hard_iface *if_incoming);
you can just pass the SKB instead of ethhdr, packet_buff, and packet_len -> they are derived from the skb anyway.
Then, you have can do the API with always a hard_iface as the first parameter. ;)
I will send a separate patch for this API change in a minute as it is not really a part of the dynamic routing algo patchset.
Thanks for all the feedback!
Cheers, Marek