Hi Marek,
Am 05.11.2016 um 04:14 schrieb Marek Lindner:
I have take a look to the configuration of our gateways. Inho there are some points which are not OK, Broadcasts are rebroadecasted on a wired connection,
please note that batman's payload reboradcast behavior is unrelated to the batman gateway feature. The effect of the batman gateway feature is explained here: https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/batman-adv/wiki/Gateways
This seem to work but for IPv6 there is nothing and the client get RA's from all GW.
Rebroadcast on an interface depends on the interface type. Generally, batman runs on 3 different types of interfaces:
- WiFi: payload broadcasts are transmitted 3 times to increase the chances of
a successful transmission
This wjat not the case, no WIFI connection or neighbors
- VPN / wired Ethernet: payload broadcast is transmitted once as most sane
VPNs don't experience packet loss
This what the interface type used. This mean that the gateway send a broadcast via wire and the node get it as if there where no VPN between GW and node. rebroadcasting is not OK here.
Guessing from your interface names you are running VPNs and not wired Ethernet, is that correct ?
see above
this seem for me to be an issue.
What exactly is the issue ?
A good question. If all node act in the same maner we will get a lot of traffic which must be received ny the gateway.
Gateway (#/255) Nexthop [outgoingIF]: advertised uplink
bandwidth ... [B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2014.3.0, MainIF/MAC: ftun-q1/12:e8:ef:7f:0d:c8 (bat0)] ca:b1:f2:63:f3:cf (251) ca:b1:f2:63:f3:cf [ ftun-q1]: 50.0/50.0 MBit
[B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2016.4, MainIF/MAC: mesh0/92:fb:53:11:44:f1 (bat0/90:f6:52:11:44:f1 BATMAN_IV)] IF Neighbor last-seen mesh-vpn aa:ff:ca:ca:fe:03 3.342s
It is recommended to run the same batman version on all nodes to avoid unexpected behavior. These 2 versions are separated by 2 years of development.
I agree the version on the GW and the node shall be the same. On the other hand the older version and the version I used use the same protocol so that I expect not problem.
I have made check with a Freifunk router and on the same time with my network space router. All router used what connected to the same GW. I have seen rebroadcast on both router attached to the PC which what configured as router for 2 different subnets. On the Freifunk router there what less rebroadcasting. The command batctl gwl shown an othter preferred gateway. This may explain the differences in the number of rebroadcasting.
On a Gluon Freifunk node conneted to Q1:
# batctl gwl Gateway (#/255) Nexthop [outgoingIF]: advertised uplink bandwidth ... [B.A.T.M.A.N. adv 2015.1, MainIF/MAC: mesh-vpn/16:d0:20:41:5a:72 (bat0)] 12:e8:ef:7f:0d:c8 (238) aa:ff:ca:ca:fe:01 [ mesh-vpn]: 50.0/50.0 MBit => ca:b1:f2:63:f3:cf (255) aa:ff:ca:ca:fe:01 [ mesh-vpn]: 50.0/50.0 MBit
Translated Interface/Location ftun-q1/Q0 (238) mesh-vpn/Q1 [ mesh-vpn]: 50.0/50.0 MBit => ftun-q0/Q1 (255) mesh-vpn/Q1 [ mesh-vpn]: 50.0/50.0 MBit
I know the batman version on the FFF router is not so old as the GW version.