On Sunday 28 October 2012 20:13:26 Walter Robert Ditzler wrote:
hi sven,
first: sorry about replying that way - i have an account but somehow i couldn't post anything here!
There is no difference for the mailman when you reply or directly write. You only have to make sure you don't write html mails.
second: i have a working test environment running, all works great, but i am not familiar with the update mechanism of batman. I don't want to replace any good version if the latest kernel has already the best possible version of batman.
We don't have an "update mechanism". We release a version after most stuff was merged for the next linux version (which would be 3.7 for 2012.4.0). Maybe we release a minor update (2012.3.1 for example) before the next release when something horrible broke. So it is ok to use the latest stable kernel when you don't need special features and are happy to compile everything from one source.
But some projects cannot use the latest kernel for different reasons, but want to use features from the latest batman-adv release.
third: here are actually my doubts. to configure a mesh within batman you normally use batctl. so are those patches for batctl or for the batman-adv itself and how can I get the right batctl corresponding to the batman-adv version from kernel.org 3.6.3?
or is it even better to configure batman-adv via the sys classes (echo bat0
"Better" depends on your metric. But you usually check the download page or the output you see when you load the module to find a a version number. Just choose the version of batctl with the same version number.
And batctl only uses the sysfs and debugfs interface to configure it. But it has some nice extra feature which can assist you.
Kind regards, Sven