On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Sven Eckelmann sven.eckelmann@gmx.de wrote:
On Sunday 04 April 2010 13:10:12 you wrote:
Thanks a lot for the help Sven.
My patch didn't include changes to bat_sysfs.c, where are this changes coming from? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
Correct, that was part of the redoing of your changes. bat_sysfs.c is only part of the current development version and not in your patch (you still had the /proc stuff).
But maybe you could explain to Marek why it is important/correct/good/... to have no whitespaces before \n or if the part for /proc or /sys files can be ignored.
Best regards, Sven
I saw the bat_sysfs.c in the redoing of the changes. It is OK with me.
IMHO a whitespace before a \n is unneccesary, since it is a blank character at the end of the line. Like adding a 0 at the left of a number. The obvious minor issue to try and avoid is space since having a big number of these can bloat slightly the size of code/kernel. But the whitespace can create other bigger issues, an example is when the whitespace coincidentally falls one character out of the length of the terminal, this will screw up the line break formatting in an ugly way.
I think these are the reasons why the coding style guidelines of the Linux Kernel ask to avoid these whitespaces. Which also means removing this helps the consistency of the kernel's code.
Marek wrote: The whitespaces in bat_sysfs.c after the "commands" string are intentional. Userspace applications can simply split the string after each whitespace. Of course, it can be done differently but it only "costs" us a whitespace. I was not aware this would be an issue. Can we keep it or should we change e.g. batctl ?
Honestly, I don't understand the intention of the whitespaces you are talking about. Userspace applications have to split the string after each whitespace because there is a \n there, my fix just suggested to split the line before the whitespace since I see no need for it.
So am I missunderstanding and there is a need for that whitespace? Same question asked differently: Will there be any difference in the print out if the line is broken before the whitespace instead of after?
If so, please show me an example :)