On 18/03/15 11:45, Andreas Pape wrote:
In the meantime I digged a little deeper into this. DAT as such works but has some side effects on the backbone network in a setup like mine with several mesh nodes connected to the same backbone network and bla enabled. I see two main issues:
- The original broadcast ARP request sent by the PC is looping back into
the backbone network. As far as I have figured out this comes from the encapsulation of the original ARP broadcast into a BATADV_UNICAST_4ADDR frame, which is not handled by the bla code responsible for preventing looping broadcasts as for bla this is a unicast frame.
Good point.
- All ARP replies are forwarded into the backbone by all possible
gateways. If a gateway gets responses of up to 3 remote dat candidates, the total number of seen arp replies becomes 3 times the number of gateways used.
This is probably a consequence of point 1, right ?
I am not sure, if this is specific to the old kernel version I used, but I tried to overcome the two mentioned points with the following measures:
- drop BATADV_UNICAST_4ADDR DHT_GET frames received from another gateway
as long as we cannot answer the forwarded arp request. 2. make sure, that only a gateway which has claimed the src mac of an arp reply forwards this reply to the backbone network 3. drop received arp replies as soon as we have a local dat entry for the src mac of the arp reply. In this case it is most likely that the device has already sent a reply.
With these measures I see a "clean" arp request / reply behaviour in the backbone network. As a further improvement I added the snooping of all incoming IP traffic on the mesh soft interface. I use the src mac and src IP to update the local dat cache. I wanted to achieve as low arp request/reply and connected broadcast traffic in the mesh as possible.
If there is interest I could send a patch file to the mailing list with the changes based on the batman-adv git master. But I warn you in front: I am not a very skilled kernel programmer nor do I have any experience in using git ;-)
I am not I understand 100% your proposed solution, but a patch is worth thousand words :) Please do send it..and don't worry about your skill, everybody has to start!