On 11.08.2010 13:20, Sven Eckelmann wrote: [...]
what you could try is to setup the stuff by yourself using http://open-mesh.net/wiki/batman-adv-quick-start-guide and test which command may cause the problem (when it is batman-adv related).
I tried to configure it as described in the guide and I think I some kind of found the problem:
Before being able to add wlan0 to the batman interfaces, I need to create the interface wlan0 and to remove "option disabled 1" from /etc/config/wireless, because otherwise wlan will be disabled by default.
Way1: When removing "option disabled 1" first and then doing "/etc/init.d/network restart" I get the following message: "root@OpenWrt:/# /etc/init.d/network restart udhcpc (v1.15.3) started Sending discover... Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf Segmentation fault Failed to start hostapd for phy0 root@OpenWrt:/# Sending discover... Sending discover..."
When rebooting the whole device it freezes as already described.
Way 2: When adding the interface wlan0 before enableing radio0 and then doing "/etc/init.d/network restart" the following output appears: "config interface wlan0 option type interface option ifname "wlan0" option proto none
root@OpenWrt:/# /etc/init.d/network restart udhcpc (v1.15.3) started 'radio0' is disabled 'radio0' is disabled root@OpenWrt:/# Sending discover... Sending discover... Sending discover..."
That's clear, enabeling the interface without radio0 running is impossible. After that the devices reboots as it should. Enableing radio0 after that and then doing "etc/init.d/network restart" the output changes a little bit:
"root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/network restart Received SIGTERM Entering released state udhcpc (v1.15.3) started Sending discover... Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf Segmentation fault Failed to start hostapd for phy0 root@OpenWrt:~# Sending discover... Sending discover..."
So for me the problem seems to be related to radio0. Trying that with the image I compiled without adding batman-adv, enabeling radio0 is working fine.
With best regards, Tim