The rv791 routes fine, but gateway make some Problems. So we included this testet version and only request the users that _want_ to use batman-gateway-tunnel tu update their batmand. (updatecheck is includet) -> now our Plans are broken... :-(
Sorry about that. We don't do it to explicitly annoy our users but to minimize future problems. But to do that change now than after the final release.
Why you dont enlarge the compat# from 4 to 5, or so? Thats confusing, sorry...
That would not change the problem - here is why: Before rev812 the version (compat) field was the 10th byte in the header. Now it is the first byte. Even if the newer versions increment their version field the older version will look for it at the wrong place.
If we don't have the version field at the first byte all future header changes may "move" the version field around (same as now). That is why we have to do it once and hopefully never again.
Regards, Marek