On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 09:10:44PM +0800, Marek Lindner wrote:
Am I right assuming you're not testing with Openwrt ? I suspect it is netifd that removes the interface from batX entirely on ifconfig down. That might not be the same on your system. I can reword the commit message to not mention interface down if you like.
You are right - I was not using netifd and so my simple "ifdown & ifup" was not enough to trigger the reset.
Still, I do understand that your point is to avoid resetting the elp_interval and throughput_override more than once during the hard_iface life span.
This said, I think your patch is fine, but the commit message should be re-arranged in order to avoid stating that "ifdown & ifup" is a way to trigger the "misbehaviour".