also, I humbly point at my approach to run batman-adv in, errr, userland. Well, sorta. I use user mode linux (UML).
It builds a UML kernel with a very basic userland (errr, the one inside the UML, that is). The kernel is targeted at providing networking support, batman-adv, and not really much more.
VDE networking is possible, too.
I'm currently busy with my exams, so it is slightly outdated (as in 1-2 months behind current development), but it should work fine.
I worked on this with the aim to maybe even bring this into production use, as we're using KVM based servers in the first place in our "Freifunk" mesh project here, and isolating B.A.T.M.A.N. in a userspace instance has its own merits (none of that being "performance").
I sucessfully ran, I think, about 80-100 instances? As a single instance needs about 20-32 MByte of memory, that is the limiting factor.
Am 2015-09-11 13:27, schrieb Simon Wunderlich:
Hey Germano,
please check out this webpage:
we use this for developing stuff, too. The idea is to interconnect a couple of KVM virtual machines running OpenWRT using vde_switch. With that, you can easily run ~20 nodes on one PC with arbitrary topologies.
Cheers, Simon
On Friday 11 September 2015 13:15:15 Germano Massullo wrote:
Hello, I need to setup a virtual environment with various nodes that is ready for testing B.A.T.M.A.N. and Alfred. Is there anything that I can use to quickly create such network? I successfully created and runned Alfred and B.A.T.M.A.N. on a Fedora virtual machine, but I cannot setup a real batman-adv network with real nodes right now but I would still like to be able to test and work on Alfred.
Best regards Germano Massullo