Can you verify if the problem also occures if batmand is started without any tap devices?
my last 10h log (with tap dev) was also crashing. I'm currently let run without the tap dev since few hours. I like to run it longer.
Can you check for other syslog messages that might be related to the stopping batmand? What does logread say ?
I have looked at that, but did not find any strange log
The strange thing is that the debug-level-4 output stops in the middle of an action. Can you also check for the number of batmand processes before and after the stopped batmand process?
The number of task are the same. But I have seen, that when the -d4 output stopps and I keep this batmand running when accessing an different log level from another terminal, I see the socket-connection logs in -d4 output.
Also I still can just call "batmand -c" to see the parameters and current gateway settings. I also can change the gateway settings.
The batmand seems to stop processing any OGMs.
Have you ever tried what happens if you connect the tap interface to a bridge and bind batmand to the bridge device instead?
I haven't tried it, yet. but this also came in my mind. I will this check after finishing the "no-tap-dev-test"
Last but not least: have you observed (or explicitly not observed) this phenomenon also with previous revisions in the same scenario ?
I can not say, because implementing tinc and updateing the batmand version was at same time.
I never have seen this problem with the WRT54GS, only with GL.
Is the batmand on the WRT54GS also bound to a tinc interface ?
Yes, the GL is running standalone with stubid tincsetup and also the GS was running with same parameters and standalone (no network cable).
Perhaps it is more random and is depending on speed of the router when the event occurs.
bye Stephan