Hi Sven,
There are the news on the website [1] and also an atom feed is provided. It is even possible to subscribe (watch) to the open-mesh.org project news on Redmine to receive mails when a new news was published.
*oops* I somehow missed that, I could swear when I went there yesterday there was no RSS icon in my URL bar... seems like I was just blind, or maybe the extension acted up. Sorry for the noise, and thanks for the helpful and quick response!
Kind regards, Ralf
Or you can uscan the the source download folder [3] like I do for batctl in Debian [4].
Or you could use the feeds feature of the github [5] and gitlab [6] mirrors.
Or a couple of guys come together and provide a repository with the newest package format you like (with DKMS or prebuild binary packages). And then use tools like (on debian) apticron + apt-listchanges + MTA to send mails to you whenever the server has to be updated. Of course, still means that someone has to follow the news but the rest only have to update their server.
Kind regards, Sven
[1] https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/open-mesh/news [2] https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/open-mesh/news.atom [3] https://downloads.open-mesh.org/batman/stable/sources/batman-adv/ [4] https://www.redmine.org/issues/1521 [5] https://github.com/open-mesh-mirror/batman-adv/tags.atom [6] https://gitlab.com/open-mesh-mirror/batman-adv/tags?format=atom