We have two modems for each node and in one of them, expected throughput should be about 6 Mb/s for example, and in the other one it should be about 30 Mb/s. By using iperf and also throughput meter I can see that it's the case. But when they are added to batman with batctl if add, after typing batctl o, I see that the throughput values in both interfaces are 10000 instead.
I looked at the interfaces with ethtool and the speed is 10000 Mb/s there for both too which is how batman must be measuring the throughput
correct. If the underlying interface provides a link speed via ethtool, batman uses the ethtool API to get the throughput value.
If we use throughput override, it's fine at first but one of the modems has a shorter range so in our test where two nodes move away from each other, actual throughput gets decreased due to losses but batman still chooses the same interface due to the overriden value.
That is what the manual override is meant to do. A manual value that will override all dynamically determined values.
Can you explain what type if "modem" you are talking about? It is not clear why a modem depends on range. Or are you talking about a batman mesh connecting various modems? Please share the topology of your setup.
Is this somehow related to your earlier statement: "[..] but then even when actual throughput of the active interface decreases, it doesn't switch to the other interface because it only considers the overriden value." ?
Basically I would prefer batman being able to change measured throughput dynamically.
if I understand correctly you are changing from "Batman doesn't seem to calculate throughput properly" to "measured throughput is preferable" ? There is no calculation issue with batman v?
Cheers, Marek