On Donnerstag, 20. April 2017 16:10:02 CEST Harms, Hannes wrote: [..]
I run into the problem that batman-adv sometimes routes traffic directly from Node A to C. with gives me 5 Mbit throughput, and sometimes route A-B-C is chosen, resulting in 25 Mbit throughput.
I have adjusted the originator interval to 200 ms, and the hop penalty to 1 without significant improvements.
Set your multicast rate to something meaningful. Usually 1mbit is used - which is too low to make any sense when comparing the mcast packet loss with the packet loss of the higher unicast rates. Maybe you can test something like 24 Mbit/s.
Are the other ways to force batman-adv to chose route A-B-C ?
Maybe you are interested in B.A.T.M.A.N. V which actually uses throughput information and not packet loss.
Kind regards, Sven