I am currently working on Wireless Video streaming over a mesh network of Raspberry Pi nodes.
I have set up the bat-adv mesh network and am able to ping each node. I am working on the Video forwarding from one node to another now and am facing problems here as I am unsure as to how to proceed. I have a Microsoft LifeCam Camera attached to one of my Nodes and have to hop the captured video packets to the next series of nodes.
I'm relatively new to bat-adv and some of its advanced functions. Since we are dealing with ipv6 connectivity here, the eth0 is down and as expected am unable to connect to the existing ipv4 LAN Network at my Lab. So I'm not able to use the conventional Video streaming / Port listening & forwarding tools. (like Netcat etc.)
Is there any specific tool/way by which I can achieve my 'Video Forwarding' objective via bat-adv commands like batctl etc.? How exactly do you make use of the connectivity between nodes? Any such applications that are supported to forward Video Packets?
Any leads/insights would be very much helpful.
Thanks a lot. Kartic Bhargav