However using the latest trunk Openwrt, batman-adv it simply does not communicate via the bat0 interface.
bat0 is up, batctl confirms correct interface, MTU set at 1527 or 1528 or even a touch higher still does not produce batctl pings or originator lists.
in your previous mail you said increasing the MTU value helped and now it does not ? It is a bit confusing .. Would you mind to clarify ? We had some bugs in the 2011.3.0 release which led to connection issues, therefore we released 2011.3.1. However, the originator list was unaffected. You might want to give it a try.
Thus I was wondering if anybody has had the same problem, to assist me compiling WRT trunk with a older version, I tried the Wiki procedure for older version editing makefile to 2010.2.0 which produced a error , " can;t remove /usr/sbin/batcl ;permissions at the build stage.
The location of the batctl binary changed. You can find the necessary changes in the OpenWrt repository.
Regards, Marek