On Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011 03:07:38 you wrote:
Sry for the delay, but we were busy rebasing and fixing the blaII code. There are also some other meetings we are currently attending.
Thats no problem. We are very glad that you guys do this work and try to help us.
But to make it short: The code is automatically built (you correctly saw the CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV_BLA=y), but you have to enable it through the new sysfs file "bridge_loop_avoidance" or the batctl option.
Sadly we are still some steps away from enabling it on the device. I searched for the sysfs file and while I did this I figured out, that the patch I created was not apllied because patches for batman-adv need to have the string "batman" in their file name. So I renamed it and now it gets apllied but: now I get the compile error again I descriped already in my previos email. Here is the pastebin link from the actual compile error: http://pastebin.com/iJy2u7Ff
Maybe you can take a look at it and find our mistake?
This is the patch we use: http://trac.freifunk-ol.de/browser/firmware/Trunk/build_patches/bla2/0001- batman-adv-bla2.patch
I made no other changes to the default files that are shipped with the latest OpenWrt release.
Regards Clemens