Hi, thanks!
one observation according to your log files: node2 (interface never gets any of its own originator messages back (rebroadcasted) from node6. Despite node2 receives OGMs from node6.
according to the log file node2 behaves correct (despite the thing that node2 generates a route to node6 within the first two seconds). At some point in time node2 purges node6 from its routing table because it could never validate the link between interface and as a bidirectional link. Can you generate another set of log files at node2 and node6 simultaneously? So that we can identify whether node2 simply does not hear or node6 never re-broadcasts any originator messages (OGMs) send by node2.
I assume that node6 simply can not hear node2 (and maybe also others) and therefore node6 can not rebroadcast OGMs from node2 (which is necessary for the bidirectional link check). One reason for that might be, that the netmask and broadcast address of the (alias) interfaces batman is using on node2 and node6 are not identical. can you check that?
node2: eth0.0 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: wl0 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Hmm... actually another thing but: I see that on node2 the netmask and broadcast addresses for the two interfaces used by batman are different. I've never tried nor considered it that way - might work - but it is (imho) not the intended setup. With batman you can/should use the same netmask (and broadcast addresses) for all interfaces participating in the batman mesh. Otherwise you can get topology fractionation with which the protocol can not deal with automatically. Perhaps you can try to give ALL interfaces a netmask and a broadcast address?
node6: wl0 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
node2 and node6 speak very well in wireless channel
ciao, axel