Sorry Marek, but how much is stable batman.2011.3.0 ? Can I use it in production?
2011/10/18 Filippo Sallemi
oops sorry
2011/10/18 Marek Lindner
could you please always send your mails to the mailing list ? If you stop sending to the list we don't know what is gloing on.
and in svn:// there is batman-adv 2011.2.0 package.
It is a openwrt problem? my feeds.conf.default is the original openwrt conf.
Yes, it seems that Jow from the OpenWrt team has copied the patches intended for batman-adv 2011.3.0 to 2011.2.0.
@Jow: Could you please revert the comitts 28473 and 28477.
Thanks, Marek
-- Filippo Sallemi