hello, eveyone.I am a b.a.t.m.a.n. beginner.I work on openwrt with batman-adv 2012.3.0.
There are three mesh nodes. Node A is far from node C. A can't communicate with C directly, but it can commuticate with C via node B, which is between A and C. The path is A <--> B <--> C.
On node A, I can run the command 'batctl ping' to node B and node C successfully. I can also 'ping' the node B, but I can't 'ping' node C. It shows that I have set up the commuication with all the nodes in layer 2, but I can only communicate with the neighbor in layer 3.
How can I fix this? Thanks.
Can you ping the node C from node B? What kind of IP addresses have you configured? Also, the version you use is pretty old, although this kind of basic network should still work ... You can also try "batctl td" to find out where the packets get lost.
Cheers, Simon