Hi Joshua,
On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 05:04:17PM +1000, Joshua Head wrote:
Just querying for some information on the best way to debug Alfred. It's currently at random points in time, independent of each node refusing to connect to a Linux socket. We have 4 nodes and the refusal is only localised that particular node. Restarting Alfred helps. But it's not a long term solution. We are very interested in Alfred. It solves a lot of our problems with our scripts. Basically if you have any direction for debugging it, or need any dumps. Feel free to ask. As far as I'm aware the Alfred is working, it's updating our test script. Just randomly stops accepting connections.
thanks for your bug report. You say alfred refuses unix connections randomly, can you be more specific when this happens? Alfred runs as a daemon, and the general way to start is to run alfred in client mode (-s or -r) to talk to the alfred server via unix socket.
So I'd like to know: * is it the client instance which refuses the connection? if yes, can you please post what you call + output message? * is the alfred server is still running, or does it crash at some point? * what operating system and alfred version are you using? * do you get any message (e.g. syslog) from the alfred server? * you could run alfred as server manually instead of some init scripts to check if it crashes and throws any messages * also, if possible you could create dump and provide it with your binary if the error message is not verbose (or it crashes with a sigsegv or something)
Thanks, Simon
Thanks, Joshua Head