For the three nodes:
mac_a ------ mac_b ------mac_c
I bridged the eth1 interface for both mac_a and mac_c.
iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_ports eth0 eth1
ifup br0
However, for mac_b I didn't bridge since there we are not supposed filter connection to mac_b.
Now, I installed batman-adv2011.1.0 on mac_a and mac_c and filtered the mac address using:
ebtables -I INPUT -s MAC -j DROP
As predicted, the batctl ping mac had no reply for these nodes. Also, the nodes didn't detect each other.
Now, I installed batman-adv-2011.1.0 on mac_b.
After running batman on mac_b,
mac_a could see OGM from mac_c through neighbors and the pinging command also worked between the end users.
So, the multihop environment runs well with ebtables now. Thanks to all who replied.
Now, I want test the bandwidth, CPU usage and throughput usage in single hop and double hop cases.
I found the tool iperf for bandwidth measurement but it is IP based again. Is there any tool to measure bandwidth via mac address?
What I am thinking is to assign IP address to bat0 interface for each nodes and use iperf or jperf.
Also, what bandwidth pattern can I expect for the single hop and double hop cases?
Thanks in advance.
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Antonio Quartulli wrote:
On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 11:47:36AM +0200, Gioacchino Mazzurco wrote:
This one is useless because batman-adv use broadcast as destination and moreover your are dropping a mac address that is not on your machine as source in OUTPUT chain this doesn't make sense
sudo ebtables -I OUTPUT -s 00:1b:77:06:1c:15 -j DROP
you can use also iptables that is already installed do to this with --mac-source option without installing ebtables
As already mentioned, this will not work. iptables only affects IP packets. All the traffic below the IP-level will not be blocked.
-- Antonio Quartulli
..each of us alone is worth nothing.. Ernesto "Che" Guevara