This is Muye again. I have encountered another problem recently when I am using B.A.T.M.A.N to do the socket programming.
Currently, I have three nodes. Namely, node A, node B, and node C. The testing environment is a hall way in our department.
I put node A in one end of the hall way, node C in another end of the hall way. Node B is in the middle of the hall way.
I can ping node C from node A and vice versa. In node A, I can traceroute to node C. The traceroute shows it needs to go through node B.
However, when I send packet from node A to node C. Node C does not receive anything. But if I send packet from node A to node B, node B can receive that packet. Not sure what happened. The link shown below is the program I used to send packet. Both source and destination are MAC address.
I greatly appreciate any suggestion, comment, and help.