On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 08:24:57PM +0800, Marek Lindner wrote:
On Saturday 23 January 2010 19:14:27 Andrew Lunn wrote:
Well, 2.6.33 will have the in kernel dot/json formatting. So the vis stuff in batctl 0.2.x is useless. 0.2.x however no longer has the controls to set the vis format the kernel uses. 2.6.33 still has the old logging concept, so the loglevel command with three levels is wrong and the man page talks about dmesg etc...
That sounds like the 0.2 release, doesn't it ?
As i said, its a 0.2 from December. It is not the current 0.2. From the current main.c:
http://www.open-mesh.org/browser/branches/batctl-0.2.x/main.c 41 void print_usage(void) { 42 printf("Usage: batctl [options] commands \n"); 43 printf("commands:\n"); 44 printf(" \tinterface|if [none|interface] \tdisplay or modify the interface settings\n"); 45 printf(" \toriginators|o \tdisplay the originator table\n"); 46 printf(" \tinterval|it [orig_interval] \tdisplay or modify the originator interval in ms\n"); 47 printf(" \tloglevel|ll [level] \tdisplay or modify the log level\n"); 48 printf(" \tlog|l \tread the log produced by the kernel module\n");
loglevel and log are not supported by the 2.6.33 kernel. 2.6.33 uses /proc/net/batman-adv/log_level, not /sys/module/batman_adv/parameters/debug which this version of batctl is trying to use.
49 printf(" \ttranslocal|tl \tdisplay the local translation table\n"); 50 printf(" \ttransglobal|tg \tdisplay the global translation table\n"); 51 printf(" \tvis_server|vs [enable|disable] \tdisplay or modify the status of the VIS server\n"); 52 printf(" \tvis_data|vd [dot|JSON] \tdisplay the VIS data in dot or JSON format\n");
vis_server and vis_data are not supported by 2.6.33. 2.6.33 still has the old json and dot formatting in the kernel and /proc/net/batman/vis being written to enable/disable client/server functionality, read from the get the formatted data.
I think svn revision r1463 of batctl is about right for kernel 2.6.33.